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Educational Funds & Endowments

Cantor Ilana Wolpert Music Enrichment Fund
To enhance B’nai Israel’s continually evolving musical tradition.

David Easton Video Education Endowment
To support the purchase of video programming and equipment for use in B’nai Israel’s schools, the youth department, the Blumberg Zalis Family Library, and for adult education programming.

David Milestone Memorial Bar and Bat Mitzvah Assistance Fund
To pay for b’nai mitzvah of families unable to afford the fees.

Dr. Allen Widome Scholarship Endowment for Talmud Torah
Provides need-based scholarships for students to attend B’nai Israel’s Hebrew School.

Fran Zavin Talmud Torah Scholarship Fund

Freeman-Burstyn Family Endowment for the Confirmation Class Program
Provides confirmation class graduation programs.

Goldie and Henry Stein Endowment for Special Education
Supports the provision of “Shadows,” who will facilitate the integration of special needs students into B’nai Israel’s Talmud Torah and High School education programs.

Gwendolyn and Oscar Goldstein Memorial Endowment for the Talmud Torah

Hazzan Deborah Togut Memorial Endowment Fund

Hazzan Robert Kieval Music Library Fund

Jonathan, Suzanne and Amy Schilit Nursery School Endowment
Supports the purchase of materials which benefit the Nursery School and its students.

Karen Gerton Nursery School Enhancement Endowment
Supports the B'nai Israel Schilit Nursery School in honor of Karen Gerton's 32 years of service educating the hearts and minds of B'nai Israel's children. 

Lilyan and Bernard Margolius Educational Endowment
Supports the continued education of young Jews.

Lustig Family Endowment for the Enhancement of Cultural Experiences for the Schilit Nursery School

Mary and Israel Shulman Student Community Service Endowment
Recognizes and rewards excellence to the student who has performed outstanding community service during the past year.

Michael and Adrienne Selis Nursery School Scholarship Fund
The Fund supports scholarships for the B’nai Israel Schilit Nursery School allowing more families to choose a Jewish early childhood education. 

Nathan Freishtat Memorial Scholarship Fund
Annual scholarships for three B’nai Israel Talmud Torah students K–11th grade, whose families require financial assistance with tuition.

Norman N. Kunitz Endowment for the Study of Racism, Sexism, Prejudice and Anti-Semitism
The goal of this project is to raise the profile of and create new programs for the exploration and confrontation of the dehumanizing evils of racism, sexism, prejudice, and anti-Semitism.

Pauline and Irwin Altman Endowment for Religious Education
Supports B’nai Israel’s Talmud Torah.

Rabbi Henry and Yetta Segal Educational Endowment
Supports B’nai Israel’s Talmud Torah.

Rose and Frank David Epstein Educational Endowment

Sara & Samuel J. Lessans Adult Education Institute Endowment

Steven M. Reich Memorial Educational Endowment Fund for Teacher Training
Provides training for B’nai Israel’s teachers.

Toby Herman Memorial Educational Endowment
Supports B’nai Israel’s Talmud Torah.

Wilma and Ron Lenkin Holocaust Education Endowment


Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785