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Israel Affairs

B’nai Israel has long defined itself as an Israel-centric congregation, eager to connect and engage with Israel and Israelis. Our Israel Affairs programming offer members of the congregation the opportunity to celebrate the Jewish State and immerse themselves into the process of shaping Israeli society.

If you would like to be included in our Israel Affairs listserv, sign-up here.

Uriel Lin, Congregational Shlicha

Uriel was born and raised in a small agricultural moshav called Beit Ela’zari, as the youngest of 5. She was born to a family of Zionist pioneers who dedicated their youth to building the country of Israel in its first years. As a kid, she took part in the village’s youth movement (Bna’i Hamoshavim), and over the summers, worked in the family’s bee farm. Uriel was always curious to see life beyond the moshav, and studied in Lod’s science high school, where she was exposed to the coexistence between Jews and Arabs in the city.

Afterwards, she pursued her education in the Eastern Mediterranean International School, where she gained knowledge and experience from living with friends from over 60 nationalities in a boarding school.

After graduation, Uriel traveled through Europe and the USA, meeting some friends along the way. She was drafted to the intelligence unit, where she took a leading role in her team on various meaningful projects. During her service, she also completed the intelligence officers course. After her release, she worked in the defense ministry for one year, through a challenging period of security escalation.

Uriel is specifically interested in cultural and language exchange. She speaks Hebrew, English, Spanish and some Arabic, and enjoys traveling solo and hiking through nature. She can see herself working in the field of journalism or social entrepreneurship, helping people bring their stories to light and bring about change. 

Israel Engagement Fellowship for 10th–12th Graders

B'nai Israel, JCRC, and Temple Emanuel are launching the Israel Engagement Fellowship for 10th–12th graders. Explore the trends on college campus and how Israel fits into broader conversations. Participate in activities, learn the importance of building allies and coalitions to impact change, and gain dialogue skills while practicing active listening. Learn how to fight antisemitism and antizionism. This free program takes place for 8 sessions at B'nai Israel, one at Temple Emanuel, and one at the Israeli Embassy in D.C. It looks great on a college application, too! Learn more and apply by clicking here.

Let’s Get Together!

Coffee with Uri the Shlicha
Let’s grab a coffee and get to know each other! Whether you want to talk about Israel, baking and hiking, or are simply eager to connect, I would love to meet you!

Cooking or Baking with Uri the Shlicha
Want to throw a special event with your friends? Have a special meal with your family? Or always dreamt of the perfect shakshuka? Schedule a cooking or baking workshop with me and we will make your dreams come true! In the comfort of your kitchen, we will spend a wonderful time together while learning something new about Israeli cuisine. Looking forward to meeting you!

To schedule a coffee meeting or a cooking session, please visit or email me here.


click here for upcoming israel affairs programs


Support the institutions of the Conservative Movement and sustain the Jewish soul!

MASORTI the congregational arm of the Conservative Movement in Israel, supports a pluralistic, egalitarian, and democratic vision for Judaism and Israel. The more than 70 Masorti congregations throughout Israel are a primary address for many of the religious and social needs of the 80% of the Israeli population who are not Orthodox. Unlike Orthodox congregations, Masorti’s spiritual services, b’nai mitzvah programs, nursery schools, camps, youth groups, and social services receive no support from the Israeli government.  Your contribution to Masorti is critical to help sustain a “third way” — not secular Judaism, not ultra-Orthodoxy.

There are two ways to contribute.  Support the movement as a whole or contribute directly to our sister congregation, Ya’ar Ramot in Jerusalem.  Contributors of $120 or more to Ya’ar Ramot will become overseas members of that congregation.  We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Arnie Bender of Ya’ar Ramot to B’nai Israel on Tuesday evening, September 27.

MERCAZ is the Conservative Movement’s party in the World Zionist Organization. Your membership in Mercaz enables the movement to secure millions of dollars of funding from the Jewish Agency for movement programs. Mercaz is one of the strongest voices in Israel on issues of Jewish pluralism.

Click here to download the Masorti/Mercaz flyer.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784