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Tikkun Leyl Shavuot

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 5 Sivan 5784

8:30 PM - 11:30 PM

The evening service transitions into our Tikkun Leyl Shavuot, an annual celebration of Shavuot. This evening of study and learning is dedicated in memory of Yetta and Rabbi Henry Segal. We will begin with a brief dedicatory introduction, followed by our formal program.

Opening Panel Discussion 
8:30–9:30 PM

A View from Campus: Opportunities & Challenges for Jewish Life Today
Since October 7th, universities across the country have faced rising antisemitism, peaking just a few weeks ago with the encampments that often turned openly antisemitic. At the same time, Jewish life on campuses across the country has continued to flourish despite these conditions. Join us for a panel discussion and hear about what it has really been like on campus from people who were there. This conversation will be facilitated by Wendy Fanaroff. Panelists include Jay Feldman, Micah Gritz, and Michelle Rojas-Tal.

Jay Feldman is Executive Director of the Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) Foundation. In this role, Jay leads the AEPi’s efforts to foster the network of alumni lay leaders, philanthropists, and community partners who support the fraternity’s program initiatives on Jewish identity, leadership development, Israel education, civic engagement, and combating campus antisemitism. For the past twenty years, Jay’s career has been focused on community building, Israel education, philanthropy, and Jewish campus life. Before returning to the professional team of AEPi, Jay held positions at Jewish Federation Orange County (CA), and is past Director of Hillel at the University of California, Irvine. 

Micah Gritz is a recent graduate of Tufts University, where he studied international Security and Judaic studies. Having grown up in Rockville, MD, Micah is a proud member of B’nai Israel Congregation. Serving as COO of Jewish on Campus, Gritz was recently awarded the American Jewish Committee's Sharon Greene Award for Campus Advocacy for his work combatting antisemitism on college campuses.


Michelle Rojas-Tal is a global speaker and advocate who is recognized as a trailblazer in helping young Jews navigate complex conversations about Zionism, Jewish identity and Israel. A native New Yorker, she moved to Israel in 2007 where she lived for 10 years in Jerusalem. She currently lives in the greater Washington D.C. region with her husband and three children. Presently, Michelle works for Sixpoint, focusing on shifting the dial on perception of Israel and the Jewish community, outside of the echo-chamber.

Cheesecake Break
9:30–9:45 PM

No Shavuot would be complete without a little dairy! Enjoy a cheesecake break before we continue our later learning sessions. 

Congregational Session
9:45–10:30 PM

The Power and Purpose of Speech with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
Americans laud our constitutional right of free speech, but we also push back against hate speech. Where to draw the line is a question that many have been forced to answer this year. But what does Judaism say about the purpose and power of speech? Where do we draw lines for ourselves and why? 

Teen Session
All B’nai Israel teens are invited to gather for their own Tikkun Leyl Shavuot, complete with dairy treats! Join staff, clergy, and young adults from the community for learning sessions with our teens.

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Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785