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Holiday Celebrations
Purim celebrates the courage of Queen Esther, who pleaded before King Ahasuerus to save the Jews of Persia from the destructive plot of the wicked Haman. Drawing on key words from the Scroll of Esther, v’nahafokh hu (the plot was turned on its head), Purim is celebrated as “topsy-turvy day”. Children and adults dress in costume, and the day is marked by feasting and revelry. The four commandments of the holiday include: reading the Megillah (Scroll of Esther), Se’udat Purim (Purim feast), Mishloach Manot (sending gifts of food), and Matanot L’evyonim (charitable gifts to those in need).
At B’nai Israel, children and adults come in costume, and the Megillah is chanted in the evening and morning by teen and adult members of the congregation. Our annual Purim carnival is a real treat, so popular that it is divided into shifts for younger and older children. Our age-appropriate youth services are led by members of the clergy and professional staff with significant participation by the children. The congregation provides opportunities to support community charities.
2025 purim Events & celebrations
Purim Spiel "shushanian nights"
B’nai Israel is proud to announce this year’s Purim Spiel theme and get out important information about participating in this annual highlight of our congregation. The Spiel will continue to be a unique and complete musical theater experience for B’nai Israel’s youth, with participants having the opportunity to act, sing, dance, work as a team, and appreciate the Purim story in a new way. Participants develop close friendships and make positive life-long memories at the synagogue through theater. As always, the custom and original script with songs and scenes written and directed by Naomi Gerstenblith with Curtain Up Creative, LLC, will be a Purim joy.
Performances will take place on Sunday, March 9th and Wednesday, March 12th.
Click here to purchase tickets.
Hamantaschen & Purim Greetings
It’s never too early to think about hamantaschen for Purim!
After last year’s success, B’nai Israel Sisterhood is once again taking orders for their delicious hamantaschen for us all to enjoy! Purchase for yourself or share them with loved ones in your own mishloah manot. Proceeds from the hamantaschen sale support Sisterhood and B’nai Israel.
Order Hamantaschen by the Dozen
Each dozen is $18. All hamantaschen are dairy and will be an assortment of chocolate and fruit flavors. They contain milk, eggs, wheat, and soy, and are produced in the B’nai Israel kitchen in accordance with our congregation’s kashrut policies.
New This Year!
Now you can purchase Hamantaschen to donate to Jews United for Justice (JUFJ)! JUFJ will include them in the Mishloach Manot bags they give to statewide and elected officials. It's a win/win opportunity—Sisterhood gets the proceeds, JUFJ gets the Hamantaschen, and you support both by your generosity!
Congregational Purim Greetings
You can purchase a Purim Greeting for $50 (which includes a dozen hamantaschen!). Please help us wish our congregation a hag Purim sameah! All Purim Greetings will be published in the March/Purim issue of the Scroll and via email on Purim.
• Hamantaschen pick-up will be available all day at B’nai Israel beginning on Monday, March 10.
• If you wish to participate and are unable to place an order online, or have questions, please send an email to sisterhood@bnaiisraelcong.org for assistance.
Orders are due by Monday, February 17. Click here to place an order.
Purim celebrations
Celebrate Purim with all of us at B’nai Israel. There’s something for everyone—carnivals,
Megillah readings, parties, and more!
Thursday, March 13
5:00–5:45 PM Purim Carnival for Tots (Ages 5 and under with a parent)
6:00–6:30 PM Megillah Readings for Tots and School-Aged Children
6:30–7:30 PM Purim Carnival for Grades K–6
7:30–9:00 PM Congregational Ma'ariv and Megillah Reading
9:00 PM Purim After Party (Adults 21+) and Teen Game Night
Friday, March 14
7:15 AM Morning Minyan with Megillah Reading, followed by Purim Seudah Breakfast,
sponsored by B’nai Israel Sisterhood and Men’s Club
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
the latest
What “Winning” Really Means (Parashat Bo, February 1) by Rabbi Michael Safra
Inclement Weather Updates
Click here for the latest updates on buiding operations related to inclement weather.
February is Jewish Disabilities and Inclusion Month (JDAIM)
Click here to learn more and see our related programs.
Registration for the 2025-2026 Schilit Nursery School Program Year is Open
Our award-winning school can't wait to meet you. Learn more.
Thanks for voting us Best of Jewish Washington! Named 2024 Best Preschool, Children & Teen Programming, Alternative Shabbat Service, and Judaica Shop! Learn more.
Looking for an Event? Check our Calendar.
Click here to see our daily programs.
Adult March of the Living Trip April 22–May 1, 2025
Join us on the journey from darkness to light. Learn more.
NEW Hebrew High Launches for Grades 9–12
Our program is designed with the interests and schedules of teens in mind. Check it out.
B'nai Israel First Synagogue in North America to Install RightHear, supporting those who are blind or low vision.
Read our press release here.
NEW Resource: Fighting Antisemitism
Raise Awareness, Educate, and Act to stop antisemitism. Learn more.
Join Our Shabbat Morning Livestream
Click here to access.
Explore Our Exciting Adult Education Offerings
Learn more here.
shabbat services
Friday | 6:15 PM (7:00 PM during Summer) Access via Zoom (password 6301)
Saturday | 9:00 AM & 12:30 PM (Minha) Access via Livestream
weekday services
Sunday | 9:00 AM & 8:00 PM
Monday–Thursday | 7:15 AM & 8:00 PM
Friday | 7:15 AM
*Service times vary on holidays.
Click here for access information.
inclement weather policy
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